Latest News
Fair race 2023 canceled
by Lafayette County Promotions LLC on 07/14/23
Well folks... in best interest of our drivers, our workers and our fans we are going to cancel tonight's fair race. We can't even get on the track for a few more hours to start trying to pack it and there's a good chance (Red says 80%) that the road grader will have to come out during the race IF we could even get it race ready. We are not willing to put the cars or the show on the line. We know it takes a lot of money and hours to get cars race ready, and we want to do what's best for our drivers and fans.
It would not be a good show IF we could even get the track ready. So, we are canceling tonight's races.
HOWEVER, the American Legion's beer stand will still be serving ice cold beers, the Knights of Columbus will have their amazing burgers and the Optimist will still have their perfect curds. It is FREE gate Friday at the fair and the carnival is open! PLEASE come support the county, the kids and these great organizations.
OH and MUSIC!! The best DJ, Hot Rod, will be jamming tonight. See you all soon. And, thank you for understanding.
Races canceled
by Lafayette County Promotions LLC on 07/07/23Races are canceled! Looks like the radar has updated to rain for awhile yet. See you next week!
Pomp's Tire Presents Kids Night June 2!
by Lafayette County Promotions LLC on 05/21/23
Here we go! It's one of the BEST nights of the year!! KIDS BIKE NIGHT!!
June 2nd (reminder we're off this Friday. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend).
- First National Bank of Darlington & Gratiot - 1 bike
- Speich Oil - 5 bikes!!!
- Big Iron - 200 flags so every child gets something!!
Reminder: Meet & greet at intermission with all drivers and cars too!
Interested in donating? PM the track or email We'll get the bike to the track, put a sign on for who donated, etc.
And, save the date! June 2nd!!! Kids' night!!
Friday, May 19 - Jim Burke Memorial
by Lafayette County Promotions LLC on 05/18/23
Pits & Grandstands Open: 5:00pm
Drivers’ Mtg: 6:30pm
Driver Checkin Cut Off: 6:30pm
*Lineups will be the same as 5/5, but please still check in. New drivers will draw for positions behind those from 5/5.
Hot laps: 6:45pm
Opening Ceremonies
Mad City Power Sports Hobby Stocks (5)
Haverland Heating SportMods (5)
Pin Knocker Apparel Four Cylinders (4)
Quinn Construction Limited Late Mod (6)
Modifieds (6)
BMains (6)
MadCity Power Sports Hobby Stocks (12)
Haverland Heating SportMods (12)
Pin Knocker Apparel Four Cylinders (10)
Quinn Construction Limited Lates (15)
Modifieds (20)
races are canceled
by Lafayette County Promotions LLC on 05/12/23Races are canceled! We are working on rescheduling this race. Stay tuned. So sorry folks.